Bible Reading: Ruth 2: 4- 12
Memory Verse: Ruth 2: 7
She said “Please let me glean and gather among the sheaves behind the harvesters.” She came into the field and has remained here from morning till now, except for a short rest in the shelter.”
Good morning everyone! I hope you had a wonderful night and you are enjoying your morning. Today we are continuing with Ruth chapter 2, as said on Monday. Today’s daily dose is similar to one I posted last week about work. I feel like God is trying to touch on this matter very much because a lot of Christians do not work and expect many things from Him.
I believe that God is reminding us of work due to how the world is changing. Now, people want to make money by the shortest and easiest ways. He is reminding us that this is not the ultimate; hard work pays off in multitudes. Hard work makes to feel fulfilled and proud whereas no work makes you feel unhappy and scared. But the most important thing God wants to remind us is that diligent work comes with favour. Favour that will take you to higher levels. The favour that will give you wisdom. The favour that would give you happiness. The favour that you receive from God.
There is a difference between diligent work and hard work. Diligent work is working hard consistently, whilst hard work is working dutifully usually to achieve a goal. The word CONSISTENCY is key. This means working at it every day. With this, you work better, you improve on your skills and you learn new things. In the Bible, it says “He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6)
From the verse mentioned above, even our walk with Christ we have to do it diligently. This means to have to seek God every day, if you can every hour or every minute. The verse continues by saying He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Thank you Lord! I don’t know about you but I feel like God is talking to us. He said he is going to reward us. He going to reward us in many different folds, both spiritually and physically. Ooh Lord! What an awesome God we serve! Hallelujah!!
I always find it funny how Christians are so impatient. We have been told basic principles by God to follow in His word. But we always think we have things under control. We always try to do things our way. Look at the many well-known billionaires in this world, a majority of them are not Christians but they are controlling the wealth of this world. How is this possible? You will think that cause we know we would “work diligently” but no. We spend our times being jealous of these rich people and not working diligently. The likes of Bill Gates, Carlos Slim, and many others, have one thing in common diligent work. And yes, they received favour from their diligent work. We Christians spend our time blaming God. We expect that because we are children of God the favour would just drop down from heaven. But it does not work that way. You must work diligently.
In school, you want to be the first in class, you must diligently study and you will become first. Then God begins to favour you with wisdom and understanding and things taught become easier to grasp. If you want that promotion, you must diligently work at it. Listen to others, learn from others, reach all your targets and deadlines, you will surely get that promotion. God would bless you with a bigger promotion than you expected.
You want to know God more. You must diligently seek him. Wake up, pray, meditate, worship, then He will slowly unveil things to you and bless you.
In our Bible reading today, we see that Ruth work diligently to glean on the fields. Do you think that she found favour in Boaz’s eyes because she was a foreigner? No! it was her diligent work attitude. If she did not have this attribute, Boaz and the fieldsmen would have sacked her from the field, but no due to her diligence she found favour in Boaz’s eyes. He was the blessing God had brought to Ruth and Naomi.
This goes to show you that God favors those who diligently work. Imagine, if Ruth did not work diligently she would not have received the blessings and favour God gave to her. God is telling you to work diligently as Christian. Due to our new ways of life, many Christians are missing their blessings and favour. The time to change is now! Make that decision and listen to what God is telling us.
Prayer Points:
Lord, please change my mindset.
Lord, please help me to make the decision to work diligently.
Forgive me for not following your ways.
Give me the strength to diligently work.
Prayer for the day: Dear Lord,
Thank you for another day. Thank you for the gift of life. I give you all the praise, glory and honour. Lord use me today. Help me to be a blessing in the lives of the people I meet today. Guide me and protect my going outs and my going ins. I lift your name high up for you are Alpha and Omega. I love you Lord. In Jesus Mighty Name I have prayed.
Remember, there is a certain type of favour that comes when we diligently work. Christians, submit to God and diligently work and He will reward you.
Have a wonderful day and let God inspire us.
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Always remember to show love to everyone, as this is one of the most important commandments God left for us – “Love your neighbor as yourself.” In every situation, before you take a decision, remember WWJD (What Would Jesus Do). Shalom.