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ISAIAH'S TRUTHS: LESSON 4- God is waiting for you with arms wide open!

Topic: Isaiah’s Truths: Lesson 4- God is waiting for you with arms wide open!

Bible Reading: Isaiah 1

Memory verse: Isaiah 1: 10

“Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool.”

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! How are you doing? How has your week been so far? I trust that God continues to guide and protect us this week! By His Grace, the week would be filled with many exciting surprises and breakthroughs! Amen! In all that, do not forget to acknowledge in everything and through everything! We are nothing without Him! Amen!

Today, we will be continuing with our series “Isaiah’s Truths.” This message is the third in the series and we would be highlighting the fact that it is time to turn back to God! Hallelujah! Well, without much ado, let us get right into today’s message- to read what the Holy Spirit has in-store for us today!

Due to life’s changing circumstances (and the ever-changing world we live in), our journey with Christ, has changed! There are times where we have been high up in praises and thanksgiving and there are times, we have lost hope! Through all of this, in whom do you swear your allegiance to?

Life’s trials that come our way, set people permanently away from God! In the same vein, it sets others back to Christ, building a stronger and deeper relationship with Him! There are a lot of Christians that are finding their way to the first path outlined! So many of us are increasingly being enticed by the things of this world! We live lukewarm lives; thinking we can have the best of both worlds! The sad fact is that once you do that, you are completely written off God’s books! Why? Well, for God, it is all or nothing! We have to give Him our full attention! We are only hurting ourselves by living “double” lives.

Yes! The struggles between choosing the world or Christ are becoming increasingly tough! But there is always a decision to make- a difficult one or an easy one! But we always have to consider the long-term consequences! Do we choose the world and suffer horrible consequences, or do we choose Christ and enjoy the wonderful blessings He has for us?

Though we have the ability to make the final decision, choosing God is the best decision! What is great about it is that He is calling us to come back to Him! God is ready with arms wide open! He is willing to forgive us of all our unrighteousness; if and only if, we are willing to fully accept Him!

God is ready to forgive you and welcome you into His family! Like the verse for the day suggests, God is willing to forgive all your sins and make you pure and clean- Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow. No matter how far off you are; the important question is, “Are you ready to let go of the world and let God?” If your answer is yes, go back to the Father! He is waiting to embrace you! He is waiting to show you off to the whole world! He is waiting to shower His unconditional love over you! Just make that decision!

The time is now! Do not leave this decision to another time! Time is running out! We have been living our lives the way we want to for a long time now! What we forget is that we can give our lives to God and enjoy a peace-full and enjoy- full live; dedicated to doing His works! God is searching for His people! He is searching for His army! Are you going to be a part of the army? Will you be a part of the generation blessed by Him? Get close to God today; it will be the best decision you will make in your entire life! Yes, it is not an easy path, but God has given us all the resources and things that we need to survive the tough race! We just have to let go and let God! Are you ready to let go and let God?