Topic: Isaiah’s Truths: Lesson 9- Can you handle God’s Judgement?
Bible Reading: Isaiah 3
Memory Verse: Isaiah 3: 1
For behold, the Lord, the Lord of hosts, Takes away from Jerusalem and from Judah The stock and the store, The whole supply of bread and the whole supply of water;
Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Hope you are having a wonderful day and week so far! We are back! Sammie’s Daily Dose is back! We took a break on the blog posts due to certain reasons. By God’s Grace, we are back! Can you believe in about 2 and a half months, Sammie’s Daily Dose will be three! Wow! God has been faithful! Today, we are very grateful to you for your support over the years. God richly bless you all!
Before our break (and the Faith mini-series), we were exploring the book of Isaiah! Today, we are continuing our series with the ninth lesson. This lesson can be drawn from Isaiah 3. Are you ready?
Let us get right into the message…
As Children of God, we know that God will judge, not only our actions, but our thoughts! At times, we forget that we are living a life for God. We get so used to all the things God has graciously given us and forget Him in many instances of our lives! The God we serve is a jealous God! We cannot keep doing what we like and focusing on Him only when it is convenient! We cannot keep sinning and come back to Him for forgiveness every single day! The Father we serve is very kind and loving, yet, He has His limits. We would not want to be on His bad side.
The verse we are looking at today, we see that Jerusalem and Judah were facing God’s wrath for turning away from Him. This verse is the first in the chapter and it is talking about food and water! As humans, food and water are the things that we need to grow heal