Date: 27th February 2023
Pill of the Week: Mercy!
Verse of the week: Psalm 51:1
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! How are you all doing? Welcome to another week! These are the last few days in the month of February! We give God all the Glory and Honour for all He has done for us this month! As we established a few weeks back, we will be spending a few minutes thanking God for what He is about to do this week! Yes! Let us be intentional about our thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is very important to God! It ushers us right into His presence! Always remember to give thanks, even for the tiniest thing! It counts!
Throughout the month of March, we would be looking an in-depth look at God’s Mercy, every Monday!
Mercy has so many definitions. Mercy works for all and every kind of situation you may face here on earth. Mercy is an expression of God’s love for His children. Mercy is a tool from God, for His children, to facilitate our breakthrough. Mercy is also a reward from God, for our obedience! Mercy is a product of God’s undying love for us- His children! Mercy is also the platform God has given to His children to access the Throne room for rapid results. One can always call on God’s Mercy- in the good times and the bad times! God’s Mercy never fails and never ends.
At Sunday School, there is a song that is taught!
God’s love, it’s so wonderful
It’s so high, you can’t get over it
It’s so low, you can’t get under it
It’s so wide, you can’t get around it
Oh, wonderful love!
Mercy is a fruit of this wonderful love! Just like God’s love, it so wide, so high and so low! It does not matter what you are facing- God’s mercy is the way!
Today, we would be looking at God’s Mercy with regards to Forgiveness! Yes! God showers His Mercy upon us, by forgiving us for our transgressions and sins! Therefore, He sent His Only Son, Jesus to die on the cross to save our souls. On the cross, Christ bore the price of our transgressions and sins, so that we may be free! It is in that same Grace that we can plead for God’s Mercy whenever we are wrong.
For our pill of the week, we see a plea for forgiveness. The Psalmist is crying for Mercy thanks to God’s love and compassion. This goes to show the relationship between God’s love (which we have established earlier) and His compassion over men! God’s Mercy has the power and authority to forgive you! Why? Well, because it was in His love for men that He showed us Mercy, by sending us His Son, Jesus Christ. God’s Mercy works because the price of our sin has already been bought. His Mercy is the legal license to show to the enemy that he has indeed lost the battle. Do not take God’s Mercy for granted. It holds spiritual and physical power to change and move things. Mercy is a legalistic document in the spirit realm for us- the children of God.
Do not forget to acknowledge God’s Mercy each day! Thank God for His Mercy (and His Grace). You would not be where you are, without them! Your identity as a child of God is as a result of His Mercy over your life! Sin has no place in the hearts of God’s children, thanks to His Mercy! Remember this!
If you ever feel like God hasn’t done anything for you, remember that His undying love for you; gave you Mercy! Hallelujah!!
Thank you, God, for victory!
Have a wonderful day and let God inspire you!
If this is your first-time hearing about Christ, or you have made the decision to make Him the center of your life, kindly say this prayer with all sincerity and truth.
Dear Lord,
I come to you today as a sinner. I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that Jesus is your Son, and He came on to this earth to die for my sins. Dear Lord, let your Son come and fill me. Lord, I ask that He cleanses me off my sins. I am ready to stand for you and profess your Name. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
If you repeated this prayer with all the sincerity of your heart, congratulations!! You are now a part of God’s family. You get to enjoy the freedom, salvation, and eternal life! Welcome to the greatest family ever. Heaven is jubilating on your arrival. Your fellow brothers and sisters are also excited to have you on board.
Being a child of God is a wonderful thing. The road might not always be easy, but God is with you each step of the way. Guiding you, helping you and encouraging up. You will never regret this decision; I can assure you of that. Two things I would recommend for you to do are,
1. Get yourself a Bible (in a version you understand) and meditate on it day and night. In Joshua 1:8, we are told that when you meditate on the Word, day and night, you will be prosperous and successful.
2. Find a Bible- believing church to attend and fellowship with other Christians. This would help you grow spiritually.