Bible Reading: Genesis 1
Memory Verse: Genesis 1: 10b
And God saw that it was good.
Hello everyone! Good morning! I hope you had a wonderful night. Let’s thank God for giving us life this morning. Let’s take a few minutes to close our eyes and bow down our heads with gratitude to the Lord for all that He has done in our lives. Amen.
Yesterday was Part 1 of the Genesis story. We looked at the power of the tongue. We saw how important it is to speak positive words because our words are full of power and can create things spiritually. Everything that happens in the physical has taken place in the spiritual.
Today, we are moving of with Part 2 of The Genesis Story. The title of today’s message is “And God saw that it was good.” When you read the Bible reading for the day, you will notice that the statement above (the topic and memory verse), is mentioned after every day God created something. This shows us that everything on this earth has God’s approval. Even concerning us. God created man and when God was done; He saw it was good.
This message is to encourage someone who is not in the best of places emotionally or psychologically. This message is to encourage someone who is down by the things around him or her. This message is to encourage someone who has very low self-esteem and self-confidence. I am here to let you know that when God created you and prepared a place for you on this earth, He saw that it was good. If in God’s eyes you are good, does it matter what people say concerning you? No! I doesn’t matter. If our heavenly Father has called you good, then you are good. The situation you are going through is good. He would never let anything He knows is bad to come close to you. You are too precious to Him. You will be able to hear His voice (and His decisions), if you are a child of God. So right now, ask yourself, “Are you a child of God?”
I want to share a personal story. For a long time, since I was little. I always used to think that I was not beautiful. My mum used to struggle with me to help me to acknowledge my beauty. I used to constantly be sad about it. I could wear a lovely dress and think I am beautiful at home. Then I would go out and look at everyone else and conclude that I am not. I struggled with this issue for almost all my life until recently. Now, I am so confident and happy in myself. You should see the confidence with which I walk in now. God is good. When I was reading today’s passage once again I was so happy. God reminded me that He created me and He saw that I was good. Why do I think I am not beautiful? If I am good in God’s eyes, then I know I am very beautiful. Hallelujah! I know that there are many people out there who are experiencing similar things or worse. I just want to let you know that God created you and He saw that you were good. If the Father tells you this, it does not matter what anyone says. God’s Word is more important and powerful then anyone’s in this world. Rejoice for you are good! Amen.
For God you keep on renewing your life, you need to have accepted Christ into your hear