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Isaiah's Truths: Lesson 13- Our Identity in Christ!

Good evening, ladies, and gentlemen! I hope you had a wonderful day! It is the thirteenth day of July- we are thriving in the second half of the year by God’s Grace! In this month, God is giving us the strength to persevere to our victories, Hallelujah!!

This evening, we are going back to a series we began at the beginning of last year, 2021. We are back to the “Isaiah’s Truths” series. This book of the prophet holds a lot of gems for the 21st Century Christian! I pray that we (myself included) would learn important, life-changing facts/ information from this powerful book! Are you ready to get back on this journey? Are ready for all the gems/ lessons the Holy Spirit has for us from this book of the Bible?

Well, let us get into it…

As Christians, one of the questions(s) we struggle to answer is “What is your identity in Christ!” Some may speak about their relationship with Christ! Others simply speak of God’s goodness and faithfulness in their lives. Others may simply avoid answering the question, as they are confused.

Well, from the first verse of Isaiah chapter 5, the children of God are described to a be vineyard on very fertile land. This phrase holds a lot of meaning! Let us dissect it! Here, we are called Vineyard. A vineyard is a field/ plantation of grapevine, specifically to produce wine. Wine is a drink used to celebrate or to make oneself happy. Wine, most often than not, is quite expensive- however, there are different grades.

Christians are likened to vineyards for several reasons. We would look at a few of them! Vineyards require a lot of work and dedication to ensure the best of grapes are produced. This signifies the “work” God puts in us! First, He made us in His own image! We have been carefully, beautifully created! Have you ever wondered the “detail” of our image? Look at how our body functions! It is a wonderous system. Secondly, God sent His Son to die on the cross to set us free! These are the two main forms of “work” God put in us! It is part of our identity in Him.

Just like vineyards that consistently battle with thorns and weeds, we are constantly battling the enemy. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy- just as thorns and weeds do. But just as the Vigneron carefully uproots these thorns, Christ has gone through the discomfort and pain of picking up the thorns. Not only that, but He has also equipped us with the “ingredients” to ensure we fight the enemy off- just like a pesticide would work!

The wine produced from the vineyard bring good cheer because of its taste- it is delicate. We are God’s children and we have been made for His Splendour. When one drinks good wine, the Vignerons are mentioned and celebrated. We are like show pieces! We have been created to be vessels to show the world of God’s Glory, and God’s Power, and His Might!

The most amazing aspect of this, is that we are a vineyard planted on very fertile soil. That’s very important! As fertile soil, we have the potential to produced so many things- provided we have the right nutrients and care! Guess what! We certainly do! Our Vigneron is God, the King of all kings! The Might Father! The Everlasting Father! The Prince of Peace! He nurtures us that we may bare amazing fruit. You see, we learn a lot from our Vigneron, that shapes our journey and helps us to live fulfilled, Christ-like lives. Hallelujah!!

Today, I pray this piece has given you an in-depth representation of our identity in Christ. I pray that you have grasped the literal and figurative meaning behind this comparison- vineyards. Lastly, I pray that this piece brings understanding and peace! God richly bless you all.