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Pill of the Week: [Sammie's Story- The Strength to Carry On!

Verse of the week: Proverbs 31:25

“She (He) is clothed with strength and dignity; she (he) can laugh at days to come.”

Hello everyone! How are you doing! This year has been an interesting year for me. I have been inconsistent and not efficient/ effective in my job- which God has called me to do. This year has been an interesting year indeed!

From our movie night which turned out horribly. We had 5 people show up for the event. The lowest turn out ever! The time it took to plan and organize the event! The money that went in to organizing the event! The “promises and failures” of people. The list goes on and on! Then the readership/ viewership of our blog continuously dwindled! Our planned programs could not take place. The list goes on and on!

To be very honest, doubt, disappointment led to fear! I felt like no one understood it! The sacrifice, dedication, passion, prayer, waiting! It’s been four years of running Sammie’s Ministries! I can tell you- one never masters the work of the enemy. You would think that in four years, one would be able to master the strength to go on! Yes! I grew weary! Yes, I felt disappointed in myself and in my service/ work to God! Yes, I felt and still feel as though I have not fulfilled my mandate!

Despite this, the Holy Spirit has been a comforter. He has been an encourager! Today’s piece is a public declaration- Devil, you chose the wrong person! Though you try so hard to bring this ministry down! That will never happen! God is behind this ministry! This ministry was created for a purpose! Until the mission and vision are complete, Sammie’s Ministry’s work is not over! In the mist of all these tough times, we are going to celebrate! Oh Yes! We are going to celebrate our 4th anniversary well well! We are going to make announcements! We are going to strive on! God has renewed us and filled us with strength- the strength to keep moving forward!

Watch out for us! Sammie’s Ministries is still on a mission to spread the Gospel to all through Bible study guides, in-depth scriptural study, events, podcasts/ shows and Christian- growth materials! Watch as we take the world by storm!!

Today, I decided to share a small part of the ministry journey! I pray this encourages someone! I pray it reminds someone to stand firm and declare strength! For indeed, God has clothed us with strength and dignity! Our days of laughter are so near! Don’t give up now!

Lastly, I would like to appreciate all who reach out to me to share the various ways this ministry has impacted your lives. God richly bless you! All who have supported the ministry (at any point,) God richly bless you all!

God richly bless you! Thank you, God, for victory!

Have a wonderful day and let God inspire you!

If this is your first-time hearing about Christ, or you have made the decision to make Him the center of your life, kindly say this prayer with all sincerity and truth.

Dear Lord,