Bible Reading: Genesis 7
Memory Verse: Genesis 7: 6
And Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters was upon the earth.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen! How are you all doing? How was your night? I hope you had a great one. I thank God for your life this morning. The mere fact that you woke up this morning means that God has a special agenda for you to achieve. Have you found it yet? Are you in the process of achieving it? Or you are just living your life as though someone was flipping empty pages? The main question is here is what kind of life do you want to live? Once you have chosen Christ, it is important for you to carry out what He has destined for you to do. So what are you waiting for? Pray to God to reveal what this is and act upon it.
Today’s message is Part 26 of The Genesis Story and we are going to focus on being used by God. This journey gets very interesting as we each day. Though each day a new topic is brought up and discussed, there is a correlation between all of the things that are been discussed; God’s love for us. I hope that each and every single one of you realise, know and feel this love that God has for His children. Through this readings, it is my prayer that the revealing of God love would fill the voids you have in your hearts and heal the wounds in your heart. I pray that God’s love would also reassure you and comfort you. This because no matter how big you are or how ok you feel, you need love. What better love can you experience than God’s love.
Today, we are going to be taking a closer look at Genesis 7: 6. From this verse, the main highlight is the age of Noah when God chose Him. Even though God was exercising His wrath upon the earth, God called Noah at the same time. Do you not think that God could have protected Noah and His family from the floods without making Noah build the ark? Oh yes He could have. This is God we are talking about. He holds power in both heaven and the earth. He could have protected Noah and His family without the ark. God chose Noah to build the ark to show not only the world He was about to destroy of how great He was but also the many generations to come.
God’s glory was shown through the harmonious living of amongst all those animals in the ark and amongst humans and animals. A lot of people take this for granted, but it is a very important thing. Imagine what would have happened if there was no harmony in the ark? Would do you think might have happened? The other important thing was how God used the ark as the tool to protect them. How Noah had to work hard and tirelessly to bring out God’s Word. The most important is of how God called each specie in pairs. He knew the end already. He knew that He needed a way to create a “new earth.”
Let’s go on to the main focus of today’s message. From the memory verse, we see that God can call anyone at any point of their lives. Not matter your age or your status in life; you are not exempted from being called by God. He calls you based on a certain character trait or skill that He has honed in you for a while. A lot of people use age as an excuse to do what they have been called to do. This is just an excuse to leave your comfort zone and do what God wants you to do.