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The Genesis Story: Part 30- Work versus works!

Bible Reading: Genesis 8

Memory Verse: Genesis 8: 22

While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Good morning! I hope you are all doing well? I was your day yesterday? Was it good, great or not good at all? Just know that no matter how your day was, just be reminded that God loves you and does not like to see in you hurt. All in all, I am saying that regardless of what kind of day you are having; everything works together for your good. So whether today is good or bad, give thanks and praises to Him always. Always remember, God feels what you and He doesn’t like us to go through pain or hurt.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are on Part 30 of the Genesis Story. We are slowly approaching the 100thmessage on Sammie’s Daily Dose. After the 100thmessage, I would like to share some of your testimonies to the world. How has Sammie’s Daily Dose helped you? Which message spoke to you and touched you? Why do you like Sammie’s Daily Dose? Kindly send me your messages, it does not necessarily have to be the answers to these questions. They could just be encouraging messages. Send a message to me, please don’t forget to add your emails. In the message, kindly indicate if you want to stay anonymous or not.

Today, we are going to look at Genesis 8:22, however, we would be focusing of just 3 parts of the verse. This says, “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest…shall not cease.” Hallelujah! This is a very interesting verse that appears so many times in the Bible. This is to show how important the verse is. It is to show emphasis on it.

Here God is telling us that we need to work and not depend on our works to get results or become successful. This is what God is telling us, however nowadays we see a lot of people doing the opposite. They think that their works would give them the results because they want they want the world things (fame, power and money) at an early stage of their lives. It makes me wonder why? This is largely happening amongst Christians and it is very sad.

There are so many billionaires and millionaires around the world who are not Christians, why do you think this is so? These individuals are prepared to pay the price to work. Whenever you hear their stories, they always talk about their hard work and sacrifice. My brothers and sisters in Christ, we have been given this information for free, however, we do not want to use it. We want to become like them in the shortest amount of time. Bill Gates did not become who he is now in a year, it took years to be at the level he is now riding on. You too, work on yours so that you can achieve even more than what he has done.

I want us to focus on four words/ phrases from the memory verse. The first on is earth, the second, seedtime; the third, harvest and finally, shall not cease. Let us look at the word “earth.” This Word represents our place of residence. The land where you and I live in. This word is not only being used to represent the place we live but to remind us of the punishment gave Adam (man) that He has cursed the ground so man must suffer before it will yield. A lot of look at these verses plainly, however when you look at them critically they mean something else. Here, God is enforcing this punishment.

Let us look at the context of this verse, the flood had finished and the water had dried up; God had destroyed the human race. He was going to create a new human race. He knew that the sinful nature of humans would arise again because it is a part of them (now that the enemy sees that he can uses humans). The literal meaning of this is God punished us before we were born. He knew what was going to happen. He established this punishment once again.

Let us move on to the second word, “seedtime.” Seedtime, is the effort, the sacrifice, the energy that you use when you start something or you are yearning for something. During seedtime, you are buried. You are watered. The land is cleared. We go through these same processes. Whilst I was writing this, I was asking God why didn’t He say seedtime, germination and harvest. His response was that your germination period/ the plant growing period is excellent if you got the foundations correct. I was awed. So I began to think of this. I wondered, if you don’t bury the seed, water it and take care of it, the plant that will grow would not be strong or may not even grow. I just uttered “wow.” The wisdom that our Father has its amazing. Seedtime is very, very important. Works are equal to bad seedtime and bad germination; Work is equal to excellent seedtime and excellen