Bible Reading: Genesis 11
Memory Verse: Genesis 11: 1
And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen! How are you all doing? How has October been treating you so far? I am declaring good things for myself this month, so I am very positive and expectant of God to do His will this month. What about you? What do you believe would happen for you this month? Are you excited about this month? What are you waiting on God to achieve for you? Just keep on trusting in God, I believe that God is going to visit each and every single one of you, one way or another. Hallelujah!
The Christ-like Growth challenge is on. Below is a poster about and on the challenge. It is to encourage you to spend an extra few minutes in your quite time to learn something new about God. When you learn something new, don’t be quiet about it. Spread the word by posting your lesson on your various social media platforms with #Christlikegrowthchallenge. Let us spread this craze with everyone we know- friends, family, acquaintances, etc. Let us make learning and spreading the Word of God a fun and exciting this to do. The challenge has begun make sure to part in it. I am too.
Don’t forget about our 100thpost is coming up soon. To celebrate Sammie’s Daily Dose would run a special series dedicated to you called The Testimony Series. In this series, I would be posting feedback from you, lessons you have learnt from the daily post, how these posts have affected your life and many more. Do not be left out in this special series; send in all of the above and more. Remember to add your email address to the message that you send. God bless you. Remember to let people know about Sammie’s Daily Dose. To make this celebration an even bigger one, let’s post on our various social media platforms #TheTestimonySeries. Let us all come together and celebrate what God has done.
Today, we are going to explore the topic, “Are we one?” We would be focusing on Genesis chapter 11 verse 1. In this time period of the story, the flood has occurred and there have been many generations after Noah and his three sons. At this point in time, everyone on earth was speaking the same language.
The verse made a distinction between language and speech. I took it upon myself to find the definitions of these two words. According to the Oxford Dictionary, “language” is the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. Speech is explained in the Oxford Dictionary as the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds.
The main difference between speech and language is that speech has to do with the expression of thoughts and feelings through sounds, and the latter a method of written or spoken communication. God made the language and speech the same so that we all as Christians can act as a support to each other. Imagine you could understand what your peers in other parts of the world are saying? This could help in tremendous ways.
The main aim was to have all humans understanding themselves so that there is a united front against the enemy. This was a way to get ourselves to understand the importance of togetherness in Christ. This was to encourage people to check up on each other and motivate others in Christ. Not only was it good spiritually but physically as well. Terms of trade would be better because both parties understood each other clearly. Conflicts would have reduced because people would be able to express their views easily. All in all, this would have been a very easy way of living.
However, when you read on, you will see that the sinful nature of man came to override all this. The question now is that regardless of the whole world speaking different languages and having different forms of speech, “Are we still one?” We are Christians are all one because we are all in Christ. Once we become Christians, we have all taken up Christ and denied ourselves. We are all part of God’s family. We all share one identity. Thus we are all one in Christ. This is why as Christians we must fight from a united front; to conquer the enemy. This is something that is not easy for most Christians to do because everyone is focused on the magnitude of their blessings that at times the key things in our walk with God are forgotten.