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The Genesis Story: Part 55- God's Revelations and Covenants!

Bible Reading: Genesis 15: 13- 21

Memory Verse: Genesis 15: 18

In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river Euphrates...

Good morning ladies and gentlemen! Happy weekend! Hope you are doing well and excited about the weekend. Today is the last day in which we are looking at Genesis 15. Today we are considering all the verses from verse 13 to verse 21. We would be exploring the topic, “God’s Revelations and Covenant.”

Leading up to these verses, we have seen how Abram asked God for a Son and how God answered Him. We have also looked at how God regarded Abram’s belief in Him as righteousness. Two days ago, we looked at sacrifice and direction from God.

From today’s verses, God is telling us that He reveals His plans to His children. When you look at verse 12, we see that God put Abram to sleep and a darkness overcame him. From these two verses, God is telling us that He reveals His plans to us only in the spiritual. This is why Abram was put to sleep. We need to be in a realm like od or closer to God to be hear from Him directly or undoubtedly.

If Abram were to have been awake, he would not have been able to accept God’s Word as it is. He would not have been able to experience the glory of God. This is why most at times, when God is revealing stuff to us, it is through dreams. At this point, our bodies have been put to rest only our Spirit lives and it will be communicating with God.

When God reveals stuff to us- He is a just God- we can plead with Him for Mercy. This is when God reveals something that the enemy has plan for our downfall. When He reveals to us something that is according to His will; He gives us the result and the process. And by doing that, God makes Covenants with us.

In this case, we see that God reveals to Abram the plan He had for the Israelites being slaves for 400 hundred years then migrating to their own land. God revealed the future to Abram. He also showed him the result; the land of the Israelites- a land flowing of milk and honey. God made a covenant to Abram through this (verse 18).

The Covenants God makes with us are His promises to us. This is to show us that His Word does not fail. As humans, we like to hold on to people’s words and action; that is why God makes Covenants. For us (humans) to be reminded of His Great