Topic: Ready or Not!!
Bible Reading: Genesis 31
Memory Verse: Genesis 31:11
The angel of God said to me in the dream, “Jacob.” I answered, “Here I am.”
Good morning ladies and gentlemen! How are you all doing? Its yet another day to share God’s word with you! Today’s message would require each and every one of you to reflect on your lives and make a decision to change or not to change. I am excited to know what is available in today’s dose of biblical medicine. Are you?
Well, let us take a look at our memory verse for today! It is pretty straight-forward. Here, we see that Jacob was ready to answer and respond to the angel from God. He was ready to heed to God’s time. The question now is, “Are you ready?”
As Christians, we must be ready to answer God’s call no matter the situation. There is no timeline to preparing or getting ready for God’s call. From the first day you gave your life to Christ, God can call you. The thing is your heart. Is your heart willing to serve God?
Many Christians believe that as Christians, you just live your life the way want but acknowledging God’s presence. This is not the case! Every Christian has an assignment from God to achieve the mission- which is to get as many people following Christ. We see a lot of Christians live their lives with no significant difference from the people of the world. They do not pray nor read the Bible. These Christians show up at church every Sunday; thinking that their lives are whole. Are you such a Christian?
Just like Jacob, anytime we are called by God, we must immediately answer, “Here I am!” Ready, prepared and willing to serve God whole-heartedly. To be able to respond, you must first recognize and listen to God’s voice. Can you recognize your Father’s voice? Do you listen to Him? This is another level of Christians. Those who are willing to answer God but cannot recognize God’s voice.
Now it comes to a very critical time! Do you want to make that decision to be ready when God calls? In my opinion, it is one of the most fulfilling things to do- heeding to God’s call. God rewards all His children who selflessly serve Him and do His will.
God’s call most of the time is to carry out an assignment for the benefit of His Kingdom. However, at times, God calls us to help us o