Topic: Praying for Protection (Part 2)- the final 2 steps
Bible Reading: Genesis 32
Memory Verse: Genesis 32: 11 & 12
“Save me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am afraid he will come and attack me, and also the mothers with their children. But you have said, ‘I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.’”
Good morning ladies and gentlemen! How are you all doing? I just want to say, “Thank you” and “God bless you,” to everyone who read Sammie's Daily Dose yesterday and/or sent in a message. I was overwhelmed and encouraged that the Holy Spirit is working through Sammie’s Daily Dose. I pray that God continuous to stir up the desire in all of you, to learn and yearn more (of the Gospel). Hallelujah!!
Today, we are continuing with the topic we began yesterday, “Praying for protection!” We would be exploring the last two steps in this 6-step guideline. I am excited to learn about these last two steps. What of you? Like yesterday’s dose, we would be using Jacob’s prayer for protection to explain the steps. This is found in Genesis 32:9-12. Yesterday we explored verses 9 and 10. Today, we would be using verses 11 and 12. Let us get right into it!
After completing the first four steps -we went through yesterday- you must present your plea to God (with your reasons). Pray to God, asking Him to protect you or save you from the schemes/ plans of the enemy. Or against any sort of fear lurking around you. From Jacob’s prayer (in Genesis 32:11), we see that Jacob cries out to God saying, “Save me, I pray, from the hand of my brother Esau, for I am afraid he will come and attach me, and also the mothers with their children.”
From this, we see that Jacob presented his plea to God; which was asking Him (God) to save him. Jacob did not stop there! He went on to give the reason for his plea- he (Jacob) was scared that his brother, Esau, would attack him and his household. So the fifth step in praying for protection is to state your plea and your reasons.
Stating your plea without stating your reasons does not hold grounds. You may wonder why because you think God should know what you are going through. Well, he does! But you have to ask! If not, He will not answer you! Like Matthew 7:7 says, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." God did not tell us to wait and it will be given to you. He said ask! You have to communicate it Him for you to get what you want!
You must communicate your reasons to Him; to affirm and build your relationship with Him- that indeed, He is Lord of lords and the King of kings. Amen! God wants you to tell Him what is dear to your heart and what is troubling you! He is your Father and wants to have that loving relationship with you.
Even in the physical, whenever we ask our parents for something or we ask for their help, they are quick to ask for your reasons. They want to know your reasons to know how to solve the situation. To know how to help you out in a specific situation. Most importantly, they ask for your reasons to understand your point of view and to understand your hurt. This is because as human beings we see things differently; as we are all different people. In the same realm, God wants us to communicate our reasons to Him.
Now to the last step! This is to tell/ remind God of a covenant He has made with you. This seals your prayer. The covenant establishes God’s word. This is because Gods words do not lie. God’s words never fail. The covenant reminds God of His word and His promise to man. In Jacobs prayer, he recounted, “But you have said, ‘I will surely make you prosper and will make your descendants like the sand of the sea, which cannot be counted.’”
Just like Jacob, we you are ending your prayer, you must recount a covenant God has made with you! As a Christian there are so many covenant God has made with you by virtue of identity in Christ. By virtue of our inheritance in Christ. Claim them