Topic: The year in Review (Part 2)- A bit more about us!
Good morning ladies and gentlemen! How are you doing? Did you get a chance to read yesterday’s post? How did you find it? I hope you enjoyed it. I pray that the story spoke to you and encouraged you to start an assignment God has tasked you to do.
Today, we are still reviewing the past year. We are going to explore some of the milestones that Sammie’s Daily Dose has been able to achieve. This is to God’s glory. This is His work and we thank God for all the good things He has done.
Over the past year, we have seen a large number of people receiving the Gospel. Currently, the Sammie’s Daily Dose website has had over 10,100 visits. We know that, by God’s Grace, some on has been impacted by a prayer or message on the website. And by God’s Grace, the coming year would see Sammie’s Daily Dose’s reach increase. We pray that many people would be impacted by the Gospel; as we move to the second year.
Sammie’s Daily Dose has seen its reach increase over the months. People from all over the world have read at least a post on Sammie’s Daily Dose. We have people from Ghana, South Africa, Ireland, United Kingdom, United States of America, Brazil and many others. Each day, as we see all these visitors (from various countries in the world), we know that it is not by our might. And indeed, God has a hand in this ministry.
Sammie’s Daily Dose has been sending daily Bible study/ Devotionals (most to the time) on chapters of the Bible. Occasionally, we post about general topics that the Holy Spirit tells us to write on. We have successfully completed the book of Ruth and we would be ending the Book of Genesis soon.
Sammie’s Daily Dose is very keen about supporting other ministries. We dedicated a whole week to artistes of the Gospel. We encouraged other writers, spoke-word artistes, etc. who are Christian to share some of their work. As someone in ministry, I know and understand the importance of support. I believe that as Christians we must support each other. We thought Sammie’s Daily Dose was a great platform to help others too.
The process
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, it takes between an hour and a half to two hours; to publish Sammie’s Daily Dose. First of all, we have to select the chapter to be reviewed. Then, we pray about the passage and ask for wisdom and guidance. Next, we read the Bible chapter. Usually two times or three times. For very difficult chapters, at most four times. Then, The Holy Spirit directs us on the verse we should highlight on that day. We then begin to write the message on a document. This is to help reduce the grammatical errors in the post (we must admit, at times, we do not read through. However, we are changing this. we have decided to spend more time editing the post.)