Topic: The Genesis Story: Part 154- “What to expect from Christ’s Resurrection!”
Bible Reading: Genesis 49
Memory Verse: Genesis 49:1b
“Gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you in the days to come.”
Good morning ladies and gentlemen! How are you doing? Christ has risen! He has risen indeed! Happy Easter to you all! I hope that as the world came together to commemorate Christ’s death and resurrection; you were assured of His love, grace and mercy upon us- His children! I pray that you are comforted by Christ’s resurrection power.
Today, we continue with the Genesis Story. Today’s message is a short one; to remind us of our assured blessings (through Christ’s resurrection). I pray that you are inspired by this message! I pray that your spirit would be full (and reassured) of God’s unconditional love and blessings over your life. Hallelujah!
What does Christ’s resurrection mean to you? What does the Easter period mean to you? Do you follow others as they play dress up during this period and give chocolate eggs to loved ones? Do you really understand why we celebrate Easter? Well, the Easter celebration is a time set aside to remember Christ’s death and resurrection! It is not about the Easter bunny; who hides Easter eggs all around the back yard!
During this time, we must open our hearts and minds to Christ; seeking His face and direction upon our lives. Most importantly, it is a time re-dedicate ourselves to Him and re-affirm our faith and blessings. The cross affirmed and binded all of God’s promises, blessings and covenants. Yes! All the blesses God had showered upon us had become very concrete and based on Christ’s death and resurrection.
From today, what do you have to look forward to? What will happen in the times to come? Well, the answer is very simple! We would begin to see a manifestation of God’s Word and blessings over our lives. Why? Well, because Christ died and rose up again. He is sitting on the right-hand side of God and is interceding on behalf. His death and resurrection are the basis all we have, all we do and who we are!
As we rejoice and give thanks to God for sending His son to die for us; let us be fille