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Daniel's Dose: Adventure 12- After going through it all, God Rewards!

Topic: Daniel’s Dose: Adventure 12- After going through it all, God rewards!

Bible Reading: Daniel 3

Memory Verse: Danie 3:30 (NKJV)

Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego in the province of Babylon.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen! How are you doing this morning? I pray that you are all doing well and full joy and laughter! Another week is coming to an end, what are some of the key lessons you have learnt from this series (so far)? What are some of the changes and decisions you made, that were inspired by this series? Share some of them with us! We would love to hear from you, help you, encourage you; most importantly, we would like to celebrate your victories with you! 

In today’s message, the Holy Spirit wants to touch on “rewards” from God! Do you know that when you diligently seek God (without fear or doubt), He rewards you greatly? Do you know that He rewards us, here on earth? Let us get right into the message!

When we face tough situations where choosing God seems to be the most difficult decision, do we think about the end? Does the pain of the journey, deter us from celebrating God; even through the most difficult situation? Today, the Holy Spirt wants to let you know that the difficult times are temporary. They are seasonal! There is light at the end of the tunnel. God rewards us greatly for our sacrifice(s). 

God’s rewards, most of the time, are bigger and greater than we could imagine! Let us look at a scenario. Imagine that you caught a colleague stealing money from the company. The easiest decision to make it that you turn a blind eye and pray you are not in trouble, when s/he is eventually caught. The second option, which is to do the Godly thing and report your colleague; may be the difficult decision. This is because you know that once you report the theft, other colleagues would treat you harshly. The work environment becomes unbearable; this may eventually cause you to leave the job! Yes! All this (and more) could happen if you choose to speak out and serve God! The road may get tough, lonely; but your story does not end there! God has a great plan for you! You will realize that at the end of that long, dark, lonely road, is a better job, in a better company, a better pay and a better group of colleagues. 

I will admit, as you go through the unpleasant journey; it may seem very long. You may begin to lose hope and faith in God. Today, the Holy Spirit wants to encourage you! He wants to let you know that God has a great reward at the end of the road! The Holy Spirit wants to help you through the tough times. He wants to renew your strength so you can be equipped to the end! Call out to the Holy Spirit, He is near; waiting to help you, in your time of need!

In Daniel 3, we see that Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, stood strong in their Faith. They disobeyed the king, Nebuchadnezzar’s, order to worship a gold image. Their decision to worship Go made the king angry. He ordered that the three Jews men be left in a burning furnace to die. However, the men did not die! They came out of the furnace without a scar or scratch; by God’s Grace. 

Imagine if you were in a burning fiery furnace (figuratively)! What would you do? Would you continue to stand strong in Faith and trust that God will bring you out of it, unharmed? Well, we should all take these three men as great examples! We must strive to have the strength and faith that they had!

Do you think the three Jews men, knew that God was going to reward them? I don’t think so (well, in my perspective). I am sure thoughts of their lives after this period. I don’t think they ever imagined that the king would promote them! But he did! That’s how God works! He blesses you with the things that you least expected to have! Do not underestimate the love God has for you, or the lengths He would go to make you happy and full of Joy!