Topic: Daniel’s Dose: Adventure 31- Are your words heard by God?”
Bible Reading: Daniel 10:12 (NKJV)
Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen! How are you doing this morning? How has your week been so far? I pray that everyone is strong, health and full of joy! This week we continue our journey through Daniel’s Dose; specifically looking at Daniel 10. Today, the Holy Spirit is leading us through the theme, “Are your words heard by God?” When you say a prayer to God or cry out to Him, does He recognize your voice? Does He hear your words? Well, let us get right into the message!
Have you ever wondered if God has heard your cry/ prayer? Have you ever wondered why, it has taken a while for your prayer/ request to be answered? Well, it could be that you are not coming to God with the right heart! You may be coming to God; as though what you request is a right! Never forget that you get to enjoy the privilege of asking God anything, anytime; thanks to His undying love for us! Do not get me wrong; some prayers are not answered immediately because it is not the right time! God’s time is the best! He does reward greatly at the right time!
At times, when we go through certain trials, we become very desperate! In such situations, our prayers can be skewed. Instead of coming to God humbly, with love; we insist on what we think is the right solution for us! Most of the time, these solutions we pray for; are not the right solutions for us! Yet, that is all we can think, see and/or understand!
Other times, we go to God, as though you have the right to receive something! There are times where we brush of the things we to do; just because we have deemed them unimportant to God! There are times we go to God for help or support; we do not pit our pride aside! Sometimes, we unknowingly do this because it has become a part of our human nature.
The Bible, in Daniel 10, tells us that God hears our words when we humbly come to Him and set our hearts to understand. Here, we are basically being told to be humble and open! Open because we do not know God‘s ways and plans! Humble because God is greater! You are, because He is! Without Him we can do or be nothing! We must show Him with respect!
Today, I would like to ask you to take a step back and reflect on yourself. How do you view your relationship with God? What do you prioritize? How do you treat God? How do you come to Him with your plans and requests? Are you open to God’s will and direction over your life? After reflecting, take a few minutes to note your shortcomings! Take them to the Lord in prayer! He will surely help you to overcome!
Prayer Points:
1. Ask God to reveal Himself to you.
2. Ask God to prepare your heart.
3. Ask for healing in your heart and your mind.
4. Ask for the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
5. Ask for help from the Holy Spirit.
6. Ask for the desire to learn more about God.
End with a time of praise and worship!
Today’s prayer:
Dear Lord,
I thank you for my life. I thank you for giving me another beautiful day. I ask that you guide me and protect me. I pray that I will choose you in every situation that I face. And that my life will be a testimony and an example to many that I have Christ living in me. Thank you, Lord, for sending your son to die on the cross and wipe my sins away