Topic: Esther’s Glory: Issue 11- My God- The Grand Schemer
Bible Reading: Esther 6
Memory Verse: Esther 6:6b (NKJV)
Now Haman thought in his heart, “Whom would the king delight to honor more than me?”
Good evening ladies and gentlemen! How are you doing? How has your day been? Today is Wednesday, the week is quickly drawing to an end! I hope and pray that you are filled with joy, love, peace and hope!
Today, we are continuing our journey through the book of Esther! Today, we are looking at the topic: “My God- The Grand Schemer.” Do you know that God’s moves and tactics are better than all chess Grandmasters put together? God’s ways are higher, better and greater than anything we can think or imagine! That is one of the wonderful things about God! His Might, Power and Love for His children is indescribable and unfathomable. Well, let us get into the message to read what the Holy Spirit has in store for us today!
In our lives, we strive to live a Christ-like life. We constantly are facing battles of choosing between what is right and what is wrong! We take decisions, each day, to serve God and obey His words. We focus on achieving our utmost best in the assignments He has given us! Once we live a life for God and of God; the enemy’s gives us more attention. The enemy would try all the schemes and tricks- he thinks he has- to destroy you! My dear brother or sister in Christ, if you are facing persecution or going through a very tough time, know that you have something great in you! The enemy does not want to see you bloom and flourish! But you have a God! Oh yes you do! Your God is the Grand Schemer! You may think that you are suffering alone; ooh but contrary to this belief, God has already set a plan in motion for you! The plans and tactics of God are unknow to us! Honestly, even if they were known to us; we still wouldn’t be able to fathom them. All we have to do is Trust in Him.
Let us take a look at Mordecai and Haman. From last Thursday’s message, we saw the dynamics of their relationship [Have you read last week’s messages? If you haven’t, do well to go to the Sammie’s Daily Dose page on our website ( to read the messages]. We established that Mordecai lived a life of God; Haman, on the other hand, was threatened by this. He wanted Mordecai to be killed (with the king’s blessing). God had other plans! Haman thought that he could get the king to be on his side! But God had already planned to honor Mordecai! Guess who God used to honor Mordecai? Yup! The king!
My brother and sister in Christ, do not loose hope! Continue living for Christ! You serve a living God who has a plan set in motion just for you! God loves you so much; He would not let any harm come close to you! Today, rejoice! Why? Well, you have a Grand Schemer as a Father! No need to fret! No need to worry! The plans God has for you is greater than you can imagine.
Sammie’s Experience:
Preparing for university, I was very excited! My plan of my life was set in motion (Well, at that time I thought it was). Despite all that the enemy had done to destroy my path; God was faithful! I was so excited to move to the UK for school! Away from my nagging parents- that sounded like heaven! A week before school reopened; my parents came to inform me of their decision- I was staying in Ghana. At that moment, I thought my life was over. I became sad and dealt with a lot of emotional and mental issues. Right from the day my A levels came out, the enemy fought very hard to see me fail. But my God had another plan! According to His Grand Scheme, He was about to bless me and lead me to serve Him. In 3 months of starting Ashesi, a team (consisting of 4 of my classmates and myself) were selected to represent Ashesi University at the Hult Prize Regional Finals in Dubai. About six months after this, I launched Sammie’s Ministries. Each year, despite the struggles, I see God’s Master Plan (in my life) work! And He makes it beautiful!