Topic: Our Journey with Christ: Point 5- Obstacles
Good evening everyone! I hope you are doing well! I pray your week has started off on a great note! Happy New Month! It’s the eighth month of the year, 2021- four months to the end of the year! Wow! God has been good! At the beginning of the year, we were not sure what to expect! 2020 was characterized with a global pandemic, failure, death, etc., this year, God has been faithful to all who diligently seek Him! We give Him all the Glory!
Today, we continue our mini-series, “Our Journey with Christ!” Last week, the Holy Spirit taught us about God’s call- everyone on this journey has been called by God! And this call is for a particular mission- we have been commissioned to go out and spread the Gospel to all (with our given talents and gifts). We learnt that God always gives us the opportunity to make the decision- to obey Him or not to obey Him! Each choice comes with its consequences which we must be ready to face. Lastly, the Holy Spirit taught us that God always reveals the “end-game” as we begin our journey- He shows us the big picture to encourage us, as we go on the journey! Today, we would be continuing the series from this point
As you continue on your journey and God has revealed the big picture; the enemy gets jealous! The enemy does not want to see you thrive in Christ! He does everything in his power to steal, kill and destroy! That is why he starts to contend with you- the obstacles that we face.
Obstacles and trials occur in the lives of all Christians. As we are on this journey; trying to focus on God’s will for our lives, the enemy’s focus is on trying to ensure that you join his camp. As Christians, we know the plan of the enemy. He is always scheming and planning your downfall; we also have to prepare to face him. The great thing about this battle is that God fought the battle and has made us conquerors (and victors). We just have to stand on His Word and use it as a sword- no matter what the enemy brings our way! And Oh! He’s definitely going to throw some dangerously interesting darts your way!
Let’s take a look at Abraham’s story. Abram encountered his first obstacle led him to dwell Egypt- the Bible says that there was severe feminine in the land [Genesis 12:10]. And it didn’t end there, in verse 14 of the same chapter, we see the Egyptians reactions to Sarai’s beauty and eventually she was taken into Pharaoh’s household. Just like in Abram’s case, God delivers us from all the enemy’s wrath.
As children of God, the Holy Spirit has revealed the nature of the journey with Christ to us! Though a very worthwhile and fulfilling journey; it comes with its fair share of nuances- obstacles. However, God is with us; through it all! That is the advantage we get to call Him, OUR FATHER.
We hope that this post has blessed and encouraged everyone! Watch out for the next post on Rewards. With the Call from God and making the decision to accepting the call (or rejecting it); God reveals the end game to you. When the enemy sees that you are growing in Christ, he brings some obstacles to throw you off your lane! Despite this, God is with us and He rewards all who diligently seek Him!
God bless you for reading!
Have a wonderful day and let God inspire you!
Being a child of God is a wonderful thing. The road might not always be easy, but God is with you each and every step of the way. Guiding you, helping you and encouraging up. You will never regret this decision; I can assure you of that. Two things I would recommend for you to do are;
1. Get yourself a Bible (in a version you understand) and meditate on