Bible Reading: Genesis 9
Memory Verse: Genesis 9: 3
Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen! How are you all doing? I hope you had a wonderful day today! Today, before you go to bed, I will encourage you to spend a few minutes praying for a friend or family member who is not feeling well. Let us offer our help to them. Intercede on their behalf. Ask God for healing for them. Amen. Please take this prayer seriously, you never know what your prayer can/ might do in this person’s life. Remember that once you are praying, God is blessing you as well.
The Christ-like Growth challenge is on. Below is a poster about and on the challenge. It is to encourage you to spend an extra few minutes in your quite time to learn something new about God. When you learn something new, don’t be quiet about it. Spread the word by posting your lesson on your various social media platforms with #Christlikegrowthchallenge. Let us spread this craze with everyone we know- friends, family, acquaintances, etc. Let us make learning and spreading the Word of God a fun and exciting this to do. The challenge has begun make sure to part in it. I am too.
Don’t forget about our 100thpost is coming up soon. To celebrate Sammie’s Daily Dose would run a special series dedicated to you called The Testimony Series. In this series, I would be posting feedback from you, lessons you have learnt from the daily post, how these posts have affected your life and many more. Do not be left out in this special series; send in all of the above and more. Remember to add your email address to the message that you send. God bless you. Remember to let people know about Sammie’s Daily Dose. To make this celebration an even bigger one, let’s post on our various social media platforms #TheTestimonySeries. Let us all come together and celebrate what God has done.
Moving on to today’s message, we are going to be taking a closer look at Genesis chapter 9 verse 3. This verse is telling us what He has provided for us. In the verse, God is saying that “every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you…” Here, God is telling us that He is providing everything we need to survive and grow on earth. Why do we eat food? We eat food to grow. God is telling us not to worry about how we would take care of ourselves on earth. He is telling us that He has sorted us out. Yes! My brother or sister do not fret. God has made provision for you.
Spiritually, God is telling us that He has provided all that we need to grow in Him. Now it is up to us. We have to make the choice of whether to pick up these ingredients and grow or use the ingredients for other things. God made this provision available to all His children. Spiritually, God was referring to the Bible when He was talking about “every moving creature” Do you know