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Esther’s Glory: Issue Six- The enemy would always go to extreme lengths!

Topic: Esther’s Glory: Issue Six- The enemy would always go to extreme lengths!

Bible Reading: Esther 3

Memory Verse: Esther 3:8&9 (NKJV)

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! How are you doing? How has your week been? How has your day been? I hope you have had a wonderful and blessed day/ week (so far). Before getting into today’s message, I would like to use this opportunity to apologize for not posting yesterday! Today, we continue with the “Esther’s Glory” series! Today’s message is the sixth message; under this series!

From the previous messages under this series, we have seen that God is a powerful and loving God! He is there with us, through of life’s challenges and victories. He helps us through the difficult and simple times. Though we are reminded throughout the series; of God’s goodness and mercies over His children, we should not forget that the enemy is lurking around. We always have to know that the enemy is always on the hunt to destroy God’s people. We should not expect that everything will be rosy! God never said that this road will be easy! He promises that He will be with us always! With that promise, we can trust that we are more than okay!

Most of the time, we like to enjoy the glorious stories of others- talking about the great things that go on in their lives. We like to look at the “things” others have and pray to God for it. Many people claim people’s blessings! As you claim/ “tap” into other people’s blessings, do you claim the trials they go through! This is because for every success; the enemy has tried to battle it! Will you be able to battle the same? Because the enemy is lurking everywhere. Unlike us humans, he does not slumber nor sleep. He is always at work! Going to extreme lengths to destroy and kill us! What he fails to understand (and continues to fail, to understand) is that he is picking a fight with the wrong people- the children of God!

Though we know of the great things that God has done, is doing and continues to do for our lives, we need to be aware that the enemy is always at our backs! He is plotting and scheming every way he possibly ca, to bring you down! This is not to scare you! No! quite the opposite! This is to inform you; so you are prepared for all that may possible come your way! Though most of the time- if not all the time- the enemy’s schemes and plan are utterly unknown and surprising!

Let us look at the schemes of the enemy; through our verses for the day. In summary, these verses show how Haman went to the king and asking that the king passes a decree to kill God’s people; in exchange for a reward. This move was literally making a mockery of God and his power. This is the sort of length(s) that the enemy goes through! Not only is he trying to destroy and kill you; he is trying to taint the name of God! Sort of like a jealousy/ revenge scheme. However, for all these years he has not been able to learn his lesson! He keeps at it, from every angle, every perspective! Failing to forget that God is all-knowing and all-seeing! These moves are like “cos-90.”

My dear brother or sister in the Lord, the enemy is bad! The enemy is scheming against you now! The devil will do everything he can to see you fail; knowing that we have to be alert! Continue to follow and obey God’s words! Continue to live a Christ-like life! Continue to chase after Christ and be filled by His Word and the Holy Spirit! After all, we are conquerors. Christ died on the cross for you and I. He gave us victory! Live in this victory; however, do not forget that the enemy would go to extreme lengths to see you “over!”

God bless