Pill of the Week: Holy Spirit Teachings
Topic: Are you walking in God’s Will for your life?
Good evening, ladies, and gentlemen! How are you doing? It has been a while. Truthfully, I have had to fight very hard to ensure that I am able to continue to write these blog posts. I am grateful that God has given me all the tools I need to overcome the enemy. Surely, I have overcome because I am more than a conqueror in Jesus Name.
Can you believe that the month of November is slowly coming to an end? God has seen us through eleven months of the year 2021; we are about to enter the last month of the year! Wow! What a wonderful and awesome God we serve! Oh, what a year has been! God has been faithful! He has been true and His promise to me us this year- A Year of New Beginnings- has come to pass (and is still manifesting till the end of the year).
Today, the Holy Spirit was to begin a mini-series, teaching us about God’s will! Most of the time, we hear people say, “Let’s pray for God will over this issue!” Similarly, people say, “God willing, we will meet each other soon!” As Christians, we speak about God’s will for our lives, but do we really mean what we say?
When someone asks, “What is God’s Will for your life?” What will your response be? In fact, what does the phrase, “God’s Will” mean? Well, God’s Will for us all is towards the advancement of his kingdom- spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth and the salvation of the souls of men through His Son, Jesus Christ. This is what we have all been tasked to do (a part of God’s Will for our lives).
Though our mission might be the same, our paths are not the same. This is all according to God’s plan and will. Everyone’s path is determined/ ordained by God’s will. Your experiences, etc. are all a part of God’s will for your life.
One most important to note is that following God’s will and/or direction for your life, is a choice. Yes! You must choose whether to remain in God’s Will (enjoying all the blessings and promises) or not.
Don’t be fooled, there are many people who call themselves “Christians” but are not walking in God’s Will for their lives! It is for this reason; we are encouraged to go back God frequently. We must always go back to Him to ensure that we are under His covering. The world can easily fool you by mimicking a good path. Remember that God gives us the BEST PATH.
Without much ado, I present the Pill of the week; signed and sealed by the Holy Spirit just for you.