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Pill of the Week: Holy Spirit Teachings -God is still in the miracle business [Part 2]

Pill of the Week: Holy Spirit Teachings

Topic: God is still in the miracle business [Part 2]

Good evening, ladies, and gentlemen! How are you doing? Happy New Week! We are in the middle of October; can you believe it? It is seems as though time is on a race. But in all things, we give God the Glory! We wouldn’t be here without Him. We have come this far by His Grace, Mercy and Love!

Today, we continue with our Pill of the Week [Holy Spirit Teachings] this week, with Part of the topic- God is still in the miracle business! Are you ready for today’s post? The Holy Spirit has been teaching us a lot of wonderful things! It is our prayer that these posts are transforming, encouraging, and inspiring you, to keep your eyes set on Christ!

Without further ado, let us get into our message…

A lot of the times, we want something from God, and we want it now! There are times we need His help, and we need it now! Other times, we wish for something, and we want Him to fulfill our wishes now! Why do we always do this? Well, many of us stand on the Word of God to claim what is ours! That is right. Everything promised to us in the Bible is ours- we must claim it so that the enemy doesn’t steal it from us.

Though this is an important step, most times, we fall into one of these brackets.

[There are many others, but these are just a few.]

1. What we yearn for mostly is based on our standard for lives (looking at what others have and comparing it with what we have).

2. We do not exercise CONSISTENT FAITH IN DESPERATION. What does this mean? Many Christians do not know how to exercise faith till the very end; earnestly yearning for our answer by having hope and surrendering ALL to God.

3. We are committed only because of our situation (we are fired up only in the tough or difficult time).

At one point or another, when we assess our hearts, we may fall into one of these brackets. I also fall in this bracket at times. We always brush this off by telling others “Oh I am human; I am not perfect.” Once we give our lives to Christ, this no longer becomes a qualified excuse. Why? Well, as Children of God we are commanded to grow to become Christ-like. God has given us all the tools we need to ensure we grow in Him.

However, we serve a God who is forgiving and patience. But He is a jealous God- we must not take advantage of His kindness.

All in all, the Holy Spirit wants to draw our attention to one important thing- our hearts. As we are expectant of God, let us look at our heart. What is the motive behind our request? Why are we in a hurry to receive an answer? Is your heart on Christ or is your heart on the world or your present circumstance?

Are you prepared to allow God in and work on your situation for you? Which means preparing to wait for the right time? Preparing your heart to endure the tests and/ or the wilderness? Just take a few moments to reflect on yourself and your current plea(s) to God? Looking at your heart, do you deserve your miracle?

As you reflect on this message, the pill of the week is ready! The Holy Spirit has prescribed a pill to help us through the week as we reflect on our lives and make the decision to be grateful to God for all He has done. Without much ado, I present the pill of the week!

Jeremiah 17:10”

”I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, the love God shows us, is the purest and deepest kind of love anyone can ever experience. Who is this patient, thoughtful and kind! Are you willing to give Him the love He deserves with your obedience and dedication? Think about it…

Want someone to speak to? Want some answers to your questions? All you must do is fill out the contact section below this message! God richly bless you!



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