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The Genesis Story: Part 20- Our Safe Haven in God!

Bible Reading: Genesis 6

Memory Verse: Genesis 6: 14

Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen! Hope you had a wonderful night. Are you ready for a brand new day? Well, I am. I am very excited for this week and this day. Thank you for spending something to read this message. God bless you. I pray that you are touched by the Holy Spirit. I pray that as you read today’s message, your heart will be available to be informed and transformed. Amen!

We are on Part 20 of the Genesis Story. This is very exciting. I am happy about this. I am very amazed by the progress we have made on this journey. Once again, God bless you. Without all of you, this journey would have been monotonous. God bless you for your contributions, feedback and questions.

Here on earth, we have created so many safe havens. I would describe a safe haven as a person or place that helps a person feel safe. Let’s take a look at this scenario. When you were a child a you got into a fight or an argument, you will always run to your big sibling to report the incident; expecting that your elder sibling would handle the matter. In this case, you have used your elder sibling as your safe haven.

There are some people who have specific quiet corners that they visit, so they can think or release stress. This is an example of the earthly safe haven. The last example I will give would resonate with almost all of you. Whenever you are going through a problem, whether you are married or not; young or old, you always go and search for your mother. In this case yet again, your mother is your safe haven.

Today, I came to tell you that if you are a child of God, He will also provide you with a safe haven. You just have to trust in Him. In Psalm 55:22, the Bible says “Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” Whenever we are going through a problem, God wants us to come to Him first. Then He would provide you with a safe haven. As humans, you and I first result to human/ physical ways when we are in trouble or stressed. So to cast thy burden, you must conscientiously tell God about everything. The best way to start is by telling God about the good parts, then gradually you start talking to Him about your problems. However, there is no formula to developing this sort of relationship with God. If you avail yourself to be used by the Holy Spirit and ask God for help, the right formula would be given to you, to suite you. Hallelujah!

In Genesis 6, we see God’s plan to wipe out the human race, animals, birds and creatures that move along the ground (Genesis 6:7). However, we are told in verse 8 that God found favour in Noah. As you read the chapter, you see that God planned to exempt Noah and his family from this wipe out. So