Topic: Generational Events and Happenings!
Bible Reading: Genesis 30
Memory Verse: Genesis 30: 3
Then she said, “Here is Bilhah, my servant. Sleep with her so that she can bear children for me and I too can build a family through her.”
Good morning ladies and gentlemen! How are you all doing? I hope that you have all been well. It has been a very long break- two whole weeks. I hope you didn’t think that I had left you! It has been an eventful and stressful two weeks; We are back on now!!
Today, we would be looking at generational events and happenings and the influence we have on accepting them! To help in elaborating this, we would be looking at Genesis 30 and making some references to older chapters we have looked at previously. Well!! Let us get right into it! I hope you are excited.
From the memory verse we are looking at, we see that Rachel tells Jacob to sleep with her servant because she could not give birth to a child. This story is similar to that of Abraham and Sarah. Sarah could not give birth and due to that, she told Abraham to lay with her servant. Abraham and Sarah were Jacob’s grandparents.
From this, we see that there was a pattern between these two stories. The wife told the husband to lay with her servant; so that she may have a child. A common pattern between the three generations (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) was that, their wives had a difficulty with giving birth.
As Christians we have been the power to inherit from Christ, only. I hear many stories from people about events and happenings that have been going on in their families for many generations. Once we give our lives to Christ, we have given up our old lives. Our old lives mean our earthly inheritances, amongst others. In a new body/ lives, we are inheritors from Christ. Some of these events and happenings are plans by the enemy to get us to start doubting God.
God is not a man that He should lie. Every word He has spoken to us, is the truth. We have to rise up and stand up against these generational occurences. Not only are we standing up against these events and happenings because we are Christ-inheritors; but due to the fact that God has given us the power to overcome everything. He has made us conquerors and Mightier than any obstacle we face.
Christians, let your faith rise! Claim that whatever has been going on in your family; ended with your parents. It is not your portion in Jesus Name!
Growing up, my mother always used to say that she had Christ’s DNA in her. When I asked where she was from; she always used to say that God is her family and she is from God. I used to think that she was just acting a bit “extra.” Now that I am a bit older, I am beginning to understand her response. She was proclaiming and reaffirming God’s words and promises to her.
That was one of the biggest lessons she has to me. To always confess God’s promises and blesses as though they were. Why? Well, because once you say things over and over again, they move to your heart. You believe in it. It changes your mindset and it becomes a reality.
Honestly, for the past year, I have not taken my affirmation seriously. However, all the events that have happened in my life in the past two weeks, have drawn me b