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The Genesis Story: Part 139- Strength in Forgiveness

Topic: The Genesis Story: Part 139- The Strength in Forgiveness

Bible Reading: Genesis 43

Memory Verse: Genesis 43:30

Deeply moved at the sight of his brother, Joseph hurried out and looked for a place to weep. He went into his private room and wept there.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen! How are you al doing? I pray that your morning has begun on a great note. Today, we would be continuing the Genesis Story; with Part 139. We would be exploring the strength of Forgiveness; with the help of Genesis 43. Ready? Well, let’s get right into today’s message.

Most of the time, we talk about forgiveness and its benefits. We forget that forgiveness requires a lot of strength and courage. This is what makes forgiveness very difficult for many people. Do you remember the last time you had to forgive someone? What was it like? How did you get to the point of forgiveness?

Let us take a look at Joseph’s situation! He was sold to some slaves by his brothers. This action led him to Potiphar’s house, then to prison and ultimately, he became the Prime Minister of Egypt. Though in the end, there was a positive outcome; imagine how Joseph felt? More importantly, if you were in Joseph’s shoes, how would you have felt and what would have done about it?

I am sure that you will be hurt by your brothers’ decision to sell. You will go through a lot of emotions such as Anger, sadness, pain and many others. Yet, with all these, Joseph had the strength (and the courage) to forgive his brothers. Imagine how you would feel seeing your brothers bowing down to you? Yes, you know that God’s promise to you has been fulfilled. However, where would your “flesh” lead you? Would you have arrested them all? Would you have given them the food items they requested? Would you have returned their silver to them? These are very important questions. Personally, it got me thinking about the amount of strength Joseph had. This strength is only fueled by God. If Joseph was not in alignment with God, I am sure he would have done something horrible.

Many people think that once you are in alignment with God, you do not get pressures from your “flesh!” Well, you still do. However, you would have a better grasp of your human cravings and desires. But that is a decision you have to make. We see that this is the decision Joseph made. He was able to put his human desires to the side and embrace his brothers. He even showed some emotion about the whole situation- he wept.

From Genesis 43:30, we are told that upon seeing his brother, Benjamin, Joseph hurri