Topic: The Genesis Story: Part 148- Go and Be full of Courage
Bible Reading: Genesis 47
Memory Verse: Genesis 47: 1
Joseph went and told Pharaoh, “My father and brothers, with their flocks and herds and everything they own, have come from the land of Canaan and are now in Goshen.”
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! How are you all doing? I pray that God is filling your hearts with joy! I pray that you are comforted during these difficult times! Do not loose hope now! This is the time to exercise faith and grow in faith! This too shall pass! It is coming soon! Rejoice!
Today, we continue the Genesis Story with Part 148. We would be looking at “Courage!” Yes, courage! The courage to defy all odds; knowing that God is backing you. In today’s message, we would be learning more about courage; taking inspiration from Joseph’s story! Are you ready to take in this message from the Holy Spirit? Well, I know I am! Let us get right into the message!
I know of a certain lady. Behind closed doors, she always speaks of confronting one person or another (whenever she gets the chance). However, when she gets the opportunity to speak to the person; she backs down! She becomes very quiet. At times, I am surprised! I ask myself, “Wasn’t she making so much noise about this person/ situation, a few moments ago?” Do you know of someone who does a similar thing? Though this is quite funny; it is very sad. This lady does not have exhibit courage.
Some of you may wonder why this scenario is used in today’s message. Well, most of the time, when we speak of Courage, we tend to look at large situations and assume that we would exhibit courage in these scenarios. Though this is true in certain situations, it is important to live a courageous life always- no matter the situation.
Being courageous means having the ability to stand up or doing something frightful. As a Christian, courage is having the ability to stand up for Christ, His Word, His believes, etc. Today, the Holy Spirit wants to encourage you- be courageous! God has strengthened you and equipped you to face that situation! This message is for some one out there who has been asking for courage to do something or maybe, say something.
In Genesis 47, we see that Joseph presented his family (his father and his brothers) to Pharaoh. This is a very courageous thing to do! Yes, it is! Why? (You may ask?) Well, Egypt was known to be a country that did not believe in God or in His Word. For Israelites to be presented before Pharaoh is a huge thing! Joseph had the courage to face Pharaoh and introduced them to him (despite their background, beliefs and origin). This was possible by God’s Grace!
My dear brother and sister in Christ, God is with you! He has given you strength! In fact, He has given you everything you need! Go forth and be courageous. Go forth and stand up for what is right! Go forth and stand up for God! He will be with you through it all! Hallelujah!
Today, Be courageous! If you want some help; reach out to the holy Spirit. He will equip you and prepare you for the task! Do not be afraid! You are not alone! Amen!
As you go through the week, either under lockdown or practice self-isolation, God is with you! Continue to seek God’s face and follow the guidelines provided by your respective health organization. Don’t worry! Smile! The miracle is coming!
The prayer below is for anyone who does not know God or maybe has been apart from God for a while. God is here to pour His favor over your life. All you have to do is call out to Him. Make that decision today!
Dear Lord,
I come to you today as a sinner. I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that Jesus is your Son and He came on to this earth to die for my sins. Dear Lord, let your Son come and fill me. Lord, I ask that He cleanses me off my sins. I am ready to stand for you and profess your Name. Thank you, Lord. Amen.
If you repeated this prayer with all the sincerity of your heart, congratulations!! You are now a part of God’s family. Welcome to the greatest family ever. Heaven is jubilating on your arrival. Your fellow brothers and sisters are also excited to have you on board.
Being a child of God is a wonderful thing. The road might not always be easy, but God is with you each and every step of the way. Guiding you, helping you and encouraging up. You will never regret this decision; I can assure you of that. Two things I would recommend for you to do are;
Get yourself a Bible (in a version you understand) and meditate on it day and night. In Joshua 1:8, we are told that when you meditate on the Word day and night, you will be prosperous and successful.
Find a Bible- believing church to attend and fellowship with other Christians. This would help you grow spiritually.
I am excited that you made this decision. Welcome! If you would like some help or more understanding into anything, you can leave a message (adding your email address) and I would be willing and happy to help you out