Topic: The Genesis Story: Part 149- You are blessed to bless and be a blessing!
Bible Reading: Genesis 47
Memory Verse: Genesis 47: 10
Then Jacob blessed Pharaoh and went out from his presence.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen! How are you doing? I hope you are safe at home and following the guidelines provided by your national health agencies. Today, we continue the Genesis Story with Part 147; looking at Blessing others.
Happy new month everyone! I pray this new month would be filled with joy and intimacy in Christ!
I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has been following Sammie’s Daily Dose. God bless you! Today, I realized that Sammie’s Daily Dose is going to be 2 (years) in a few months. How do you think we can celebrate? Kindly let me know your suggestions and thoughts by contacting us (please don’t forget to add your email and your name).
On that note, let us get right into the message!
There are many Christians who judge and look down upon non-Christians (and Christians growing in faith). They treat them poorly and are very judgmental. We are not to act like this. We are supposed to support everyone and encourage them! We are to be a blessing to others and bless them as well. This goes for both Christians and non-Christians.
When many Christians look at blessing others, they are immediately drawn to blessing their children, spouse or a close family member. As Christians, our blessings should reach all four corners of the world. We are to be a blessing to everyone; just like Christ. Especially during this period, be a blessing to someone; bless someone. Say a prayer for a friend! Smile and wave at your neighbor! Help someone who is in need during this crisis! It is important! God wants us to use this time to reach out to others and impact their lives!
This is a way to spread the gospel! Have you thought about that? Well, it is! Spreading the gospel is done through the way we live our lives and who we are in Christ! So take this opportunity! Your deeds and action would not go unnoticed by God!
Even Jacob did so! In Genesis 47 and verse 10, we are told that Jacob blessed Pharaoh. Pharaoh was not an Israelite. He did not believe in God nor follow God’s word. Still, Jacob blessed him. As we thrive to live a Christ like life today, bless others and be a blessing to others! You do not need to do something grand! You just have to there to help someone at their point of need! Amen!
From today, always remember, as Christians we are blessed to bless others and be a blessing to others. Hallelujah!
Remember to be safe- practicing the safety guidelines provided by the World Health Organization- and continue to seek God’s face! Victory is coming soon!
I would also like to know a suitable posting time! Should the messages be posted in the evenings (to refresh and calm us at the end of the day) or in the morning (to equip us for the day ahead)? I would like to know your thoughts. Kindly reach out and let us know!