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Daniel's Dose: Adventure 18- Do we Humble ourselves before God?

Topic: Daniel’s Dose: Adventure 18- Do we humble ourselves before God?

Bible Reading: Daniel 5

Memory Verse: Daniel 5: 22 (NKJV)

But you his son, Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart, although you knew all this.”

Good morning ladies and gentlemen! How are you doing? I hope your morning is off to a great start. Today, we continue our adventures through Daniel’s Dose by exploring “humility to God!” I pray that you enjoy this message! I pray that you learn a few things from it and are blessed! Well, let us get right into the message!

When you are asked, “Are you humble before God?” What would you say? I am sure that many people would be quick to say, “yes!” However, the most important thing is to understand what it means to humble ourselves before God.

At times, we believe that once we are performing a particular action for God, the manner in which we do so, does not matter. However, that is not the truth. For example, if you are praying to God, but your mind is on something else, you are not humbling yourself before God. You are dividing your attention between God and other things. Why should God pay attention to you, if you also do not pay attention to Him?

Humbling your heart before God, means that you learn from past mistakes. When we read the Bible or listen to talks about people’s relationship with God (either from Pastor, parents, family friends, etc.), do we learn important lessons from them? It is important that as we listen and learn from people more mature in the Faith than us; we must practice it. If not, we are being ignorant in our Faith. This helps us to be stronger in our walk with God. By ignoring this, we are not humbling ourselves to God.

This is similar to what Belshazzar did. Despite all he knew about his father, Nebuchadnezzar, journey/ relationship with God, Belshazzar repeated the mistakes of his father. He was power-drunk! He thought and believed that he was greater and more powerful than any one; including God. Not only did he disrespect God, with his actions. He did not humble himself before God. 

Like Belshazzar, there are many things we experience or do, wh