Topic: Daniel’s Dose: Adventure 32- All evil; comes to an end!
Bible Reading: Daniel 11
Memory Verse: Daniel 11:45b (NKJV)
…Yet he shall come to his end, and no one will help him.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen! How are you doing? I hope your week has been great so far! Today, we continue the Daniel’s Dose adventures by exploring the theme, “All evil; comes to an end!” Do you know that all evil things come to an end? Do you know that when you do not follow God’s will; all your plans will come to an end? Well, the Holy Spirit wants to highlight these (and more) in today’s message! Are you ready?
Let us get right into the message!
At times, we go through situations and it seems as though evil is winning! Other times, we see others do un-Godly/ un-Holy things to others! We (might) know some people who place other things above God- money, power, cars, etc.! We, sometimes, think to ourselves, “When will all this evil end?” Today, the Holy Spirit brings us this message; to assure and re-assure us that “evil never prevails. All things come to an end!”
Evil has a way of making it seem like they are always in control. As a child of God, it is important to always know that God is with you! He will never let anything bad happen to you! Most importantly, you have to know and believe that Christ has conquered all evil. On crucifixion day, Christ made us conquerors. We are mightier and stronger than all evil. With that, no evil plans by the enemy shall prevail. All the plans, schemes, plots of the enemy will all come to an end!
Today’s message is dedicated to anyone who is currently experiencing a tough time; in one or more areas of your life! It may seem as though the evil people around you are prevailing! It may seem that all the plots and schemes of the enemy are successfully executed! I am here to assure you today; evil has not won. It may feel like it has! It never can! You are a child of God! You are a conqueror! The enemy has no hold over you!
The enemy makes it seem and feel like he is winning, so, he can win you over! Don’t give the enemy that chance! God’s word has never failed! He’s Word promises us that He is always with us! God’s Word promises that we have power over the enemy! Take these promises and run with them! Let them fill your heart and your mind! So that you do not give the enemy the opportunity to use his tactics to trap you!
In the same vain, we must make sure to do all that God tells us! Why? Well, because God’s words are final! They are Ye and Amen! If you live a life, not in accordance with His Will or Word for your life; you are disobeying Him!
When we begin to think that we can manage our lives, we begin to use our human efforts to get the successes we think we need! With that comes scheming, dealing, lying and many others! This life we live is not our own! We cannot use our strength to go through life! Today, I will urge you to take a few minutes to take a look at your life! Are you living life with your strength or are you rested and reliant on God’s strength? As a Christian, you have to make sure you are in line with God’s will for your life! All things here (on earth) comes to an end without God! In everything, seek God!