Topic: Esther's Glory: Issue 1- The Grand Plan is in Motion!
Bible Reading: Esther 1
Highlighted Verse(s): Esther 1 (NKJV)
Good evening ladies and gentlemen! How are you doing? Another month is here! Hurray! We give God all the Glory, Honor and Adoration! Many did not live to see this day or this month or this year! God has been faithful! He has preserved your life; through it all (especially this year with the pandemic crisis). It is by God’s Grace you are alive. Never attribute your life to anyone or anything but God.
In this new month, we begin another wonderful series- Esther’s Glory! In this series, we would be exploring the book of Esther; drawing many important lessons from this great book of the Bible. The aim of today’s message is to encourage and remind us; of God’s love for His Children! Are you ready to begin another journey?
Well, let us get right into the message…
Whenever we experience some difficulty in life, we are (sometimes) forget that we serve a Living God; who love us so much. We view the issue/ problem from many angles, with our mind’s eye. Soon, we become overwhelmed, scared and desperate. We, then, cry out to God in our desperate state, seeking for answers immediately.
Many of us tend to do this! We forget that God is with us! We put Him at the bottom of our priority list! We find ourselves sharing our problems with family, friends, colleagues, classmates, etc. before we go to God! Yes, we know and have been told countless times that we must go to God first; with all our troubles. Truth be told, it is easier said than done. Why? This is because our sinful nature is in constant contention with God’s Spirit. If you have not fully immersed yourself in Christ, there are some “glitches.” But, as we continue to grow in Christ, we become more and more like Him.
Today, the Holy Spirit wants me to let you know that “The Grand Plan for your life is in motion!” You may not know the end to the road you are on! You may not know your next steps! You may not see the solution clearly! Just know that God knows; and He has already set a plan in motion, to make you victorious! It may not seem that way to you! Trust me; God never fails His children! He loves us so much that He would not allow anything “unhelpful” to happen to you! Let us see a clear example of how God rescues and makes a way for His children. God is several steps ahead of the enemy! The enemy thinks that he is winning! Little does he know that God has already set a plan- that is in motion- to make conquerors.
In the first chapter of the book of Esther, we see that the Queen Vashti is dethroned and King Ahasuerus. This was the beginning of God’s plan to save his people- which we would see in later chapters. When you read this chapter, you realize that God’s grand plan to save his children was already in motion, even before the started to feel threatened and oppressed. I would recommend that we take our time to read this chapter carefully. You would see how wonderful and awesome God is. His loves knows no bound. He already had a plan way way before! He knew that for His people to be saved; He needed someone close to the king to change his mind. Do you see the tactic approach God works and shows his love?
Today, be encouraged! Be reminded that God’s plan for you; is already in motion. Do not worry! God has seen you through already! He already knew what you were going to go through, before you go through it! So, if you are feeling a bit down and disappointed; remember that God has got you! He has your grand plan in motion! You are covered! Everything is sorted! Relax! Do not give the enemy a chance to win! You are the victor!
God bless you!
Prayer Points:
1. Ask God to protect you .
2. Ask God to prepare your heart.