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ISAIAH'S TRUTHS: LESSON 6- The Lord's House will be Glorified!

Topic: Isaiah’s Truths: Lesson 6- The Lord’s House will be Glorified!

Bible Reading: Isaiah 2

Bible Verse: Isaiah 2:2

Now it shall come to pass in the latter days That the mountain of the Lord’s house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow to it.

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! How are you doing? I hope you had a wonderful day, and your week is off to a great start! How has your relationship with God been this year? I know that the path we are on, is a difficult one! Honestly, how is your relationship with God like? What are you trusting Him for? What are the things/ situations that are stressing you out? What are the areas that you need to work on- prayer, Bible study, worship, praise, quiet time, bible reading, fasting, etc.? Once you identify your weakness, make a realistic plan! Get some accountability partners and conquer it with the Holy Spirit’s help! You can reach out to us, at Sammie’s Ministries, and we can help you out! Hallelujah!

Well, today, we continue our series, Isaiah Glory, with the sixth lesson- coming from Isaiah 2! Have you been following this series? If yes, kindly let us know your thoughts on the series so far! If you haven’t been following this series, we would like to encourage you to do so! The Holy Spirit has shared a lot of important lessons with us! You will definitely be blessed! Well, without much ado, let us get into the message for today! Don’t forget to like the message and share it with anyone and everyone you know! Let’s go…

The church has been suffering for the past few years all around the world! It seems that the power of the churches is dwindling! The trust many put in the church is almost lost! There are a lot more superficial Christians in the young generation; unwilling to make the necessary sacrifices to please God! Many churches are diluting the Word of God and children of God are equally not seeking the Word of God for themselves! We may wonder what is going on or the reasons for this! But we must never loose hope for the church!

For there is a time coming (soon) where the church will be Glorified once again! There is a time coming where the church would be placed of refuge for many! A time is coming where the church would hold even greater power than it did before! There is a time coming where the whole world would scramble and wish to be a part of God’s church!