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Sammie's Ministries

Pill of the week!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Another wonderful week is before us! How has your week been so far? What are some of the things you expect to achieve this week? Have you gone before God, to present those requests to Him? If you haven't, you should do so! We must involve God in everything that concerns our lives- no matter how tiny it may be!

This week's pill seeks to encourage and uplift us! Following the theme of what the Holy Spirit has been teaching us (these past few weeks), this week, He is reminding us that "YOUR VICTORY WILL BE SEEN & CELEBRATED BY ALL!" You may be going through a very tough situation. You may think that the enemy's wins are consistently overtaking your life! This week the Holy Spirit is letting you know that your victory will be seen by everyone! The whole world will see God's Goodness and Grace; in your life. The enemy's time has come. You are entering this new year claiming all the enemy has stolen and snatched from you!

The pill the Holy Spirit prescribed for you (and I) this week is ready! I hope you reflect on this verse throughout the week! I hope that it encourages you! I pray that you take the words and claim your promises!

Chapter Synopsis

In Esther 8, Esther told the king of the rule made against the Jews. She pleaded for his mercy and saved the Jews (based on Mordecai's resolutions).. Mordecai was then honoured by the king- the king gave Mordecai his signet ring. Mordecai went around the city and the Jews were happy and glad. In addition to this, many people became Jews.

Have a wonderful evening! God bless you all!



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